Body of Work Exhibits in August

  Martin Lamont 

Vicarious Dreams 

As a person who has struggled on and off throughout my life with Agoraphobia and Anxiety, the idea of traveling to other countries again is reduced to hopes and wishes. To see again those places and those birds within my paintings that are only seen in the UK and Europe, is just a dream now. My paintings are a vicarious endeavor to “experience” them again, escapism from my disabling reality while “jailed” in my home, and therefore, the theme of my show is “Vicarious Dreams”.

I’m a self-taught artist inspired mainly by the works of the Impressionists.  All my life, I was a follower of the visual arts, admiring the great works in museums and galleries around the world, during personal and business travels.  As a retired Mechanical Engineer from England, the career long pursuit of perfection and accuracy within my Engineering work seems so ingrained that I find myself trying too hard in my painting to achieve a sense of realism. I therefore would describe myself as either a realist impressionist or an impressionist realist. 

Until I retired, I had always wanted to give oil painting a try but was always too busy with life. Now, since attempting my first oil painting in July 2021, I haven’t looked back and find myself addicted to the creative process, spending many hours every week at my easels.

Angela Branon                                 

Coastal Memories

My family immigrated to the US when I was five years old. I became intrigued with
exploring family history through my art while looking at old family photos.
One of my fondest memories was the long drive from my central Massachusetts home
to the coast of New Hampshire to spend a day at the beach.
The draw of the beach continues to be one of life’s pleasures to this day. I have
explored coasts from the US, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe and Africa with family
and close friends. There is just something about the tidal rhythms and the sound of
lapping waves that never fails to calm and relax. It’s no surprise I chose to retire to the
New Hampshire coast.
These paintings represent memories of family, friends and moments of serenity that is
unique to time spent on the beach. But the ocean can also represent a powerful force
of nature as seen after a nor’easter crashes through in all her majesty.

“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.”

TS Eliot