Author Archives: dpthompsen

Body of Work: Kevin Talbot

by Kevin Talbot

Visit the SAA gallery in Exeter, NH to view the Body of Work exhibition by nature photographer Kevin Talbot during the month of November.

Kevin Talbot is a local nature photographer who has honed his skills over the past twenty-five years on the ponds, in the woods, and across the mountains of his native New England. An avid hiker he, along with his trusted and faithful companions Emma, his dog (now a new dog, Wicket), and Judy, his wife, have tramped New Hampshire’s forty-eight Four-Thousand Footers and many lesser hills and peaks across New England on hundreds of hikes over the years. A journal and photographs of the amazing hikes they took together can be found at:
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Body of Work: Barbara London

Vivaldi:Summer by Barbara London

View art works by Barabara London in her Body of Work exhibition at the SAA gallery in Exeter, NH during the month of November.

Barbara London is a jazz musician and artist. Her watercolors and mixed media artwork will be on exhibit at SAA for the month of November. In 2005 Barbara left nearly 25 years in college music education and administration to focus on her artwork and composition. Her involvement with the Abstract Artists Group of New England and her colleagues at SAA have inspired her to further develop her exploratory approach to painting by experimenting with color, subjects, texture, and technique.

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Body of Work: Christine Blomquist

Just Picked Pumpkins by Christine Blomquist

Artist Christine Blomquist is exhibiting a Body of Work in the SAA gallery September 30 to October 30, 2020.

Felting is the most ancient form of textile art. Both wet and needle felting techniques are used to achieve the desired and unique effects of my images. I love the organic and sculptural quality of the wool fibers which are used in a variety of ways to “paint” what I see. My photographs, my gardens and natural landscapes are usually the inspiration for my paintings.

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October Event Highlights

Autumn Light by Michele Rofrano

The SAA Gallery is now open! New hours: Wednesday to Saturday 10 am – 5 pm.
Follow COVID-19 guidance – masks are required. See our About page for more information.

The Seacoast Artist Association is an all-volunteer non-profit completely supported by donations, exhibition fees, and sales commissions. Support the arts by mailing your donation check to: Seacoast Artist Association, 130 Water Street, Exeter, NH 03833