September Highlights

Our gallery is open:
Wednesday-Saturday 10am – 5pm
Sunday 1pm – 4pm

Hampton Marshes by Bill Childs
  • Bill Childs at 90: A Retrospective on weekends September 6 & 14 (see Events for details).
  • Second Sunday photography demo by Claudia Rippee September 8, 11:30am – 1pm.
  • Body of Work exhibits by Anita Freeman and Zoë Brooks.
  • Theme show Mystery Kits. Theme shows are open to all artists – see our SAA 2024 Theme Show Schedule and Form.
  • Public reception Friday September 13, 5-7pm with music by Carol Coronis.
  • Y’Art Sale fundraiser September 28, 9am-2pm.
  • Read more about our events.
  • Drawing the Human Head class by Revelle Taillon starts October 7, 2024 – see her blog for details.
  • The  SAA Newsletter is available for reading.

The Seacoast Artist Association is an all-volunteer non-profit completely supported by donations, exhibition fees, and sales commissions. Consider becoming a member, or support the arts by mailing your donation check to: Seacoast Artist Association, 130 Water Street, Exeter, NH 03833 or by using this link to our secure Square payment site.

SAA Scholarship Fund Donation
